Turner Prize 2012 – the stuff I like

I don’t usually pay a huge amount of attention to the Turner Prize besides knowing of its existence and controversy but I watched a news item about it on the BBC website the other day. Watching this I was struck generally by the variety of art forms in the final list of a few, but specifically by Paul Noble and his ‘Nobson Newtown’ drawings which feature pictures of fantastical buildings and weird landscapes of an imaginary city.

I admire drawings that are intricate and that have many layers of detail, those that tell a story or create a scene. Detailed expression and use of tone and shading in a drawing also appeals to me. So these drawings especially draw me in as they tell as story and they are imagined, not real.

Untitled by Paul Noble

Paul Noble


The Tate Gallery, http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-britain/exhibition/turner-prize-2012?gclid=CJya6ZK7lrMCFU3HtAod6ngAOA [last accessed 10 October 2012]

Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Noble [last accessed 10 October 2012]

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1 Response to Turner Prize 2012 – the stuff I like

  1. Pingback: The Turner Prize 2012 – notes for the next tutorial | BeckyBendyLegs

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