I have an idea, I must be about to ovulate!

Related to yesterday’s musings over creativity coming during times of distraction and relaxation, it occurred to me that perhaps some elements of creativity can be related to the menstrual cycle (not for those male artists out there, of course), and I find that the Internet agrees with me.

Are you more creative at full moon or new moon?

Are you more creative at full moon or new moon?

As Krug et al (1994) concluded in their study of the relationship between the menstrual cycle and creativity and motor skills: ‘During the preovulatory phase, creativity was in general improved when serum concentrations of estrogen (E2) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were highest whereas motor perseveration decreased.’ (pp. 21) So basically, I should do more painting during the ‘preovulatory phase’ but avoid driving the car.

Feeling creative? Avoid driving the car

Feeling creative? Avoid driving the car

The menstrual cycle is divided into four phases: preovulation, ovulation, pre-menstruation and menstruation. In each phase women are said to experience days of heightened abilities in various skills. It is in the preovulation phase where creativity kicks in. Looking back to Monday’s Zumba session I guess I could have been in the preovulation phase. I don’t really keep a close enough track on these things. But I do find that my creativity nose dives in the ‘pre-menstruation’ phase but then so does all other enthusiasms except perhaps for chocolate.

To paint or eat chocolate, that is the question

To paint or eat chocolate, that is the question

I think my conclusion here is that I need to drive the car three weeks of the month to harness those light-bulb moments, and for the other week only the light-bulb moments will just come to me.


Krug, R., et al, 1994, ‘Effects of menstrual cycle on creativity’ Psychoneuroendocrinology 19(1), pp.21-31

The Optimized Woman, http://www.optimizedwoman.com/womens-lifecoaching-article-writersblock.html [last accessed 21 August 2013]

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